Video: Watch Footage Of Entire BOAA, DXE Goat Festival Protest

Dead goat cooking demo protest. Photo by Michael Goldberg

The entire BOAA, DXE protest at the Goat Festival in San Francisco this past Saturday, also known as Goatchella, was videotaped and all the video was uploaded to YouTube.

Clearly calling the festival Goatchella was an attempt by the festival organizers to give this sick event some kind of hipness. They failed.

The protest was quite remarkable. I was there as a participant, but I also took photos, some of which are part of this post.

As you’ll see if you watch the first video clip, which documents the fifteen minute protest that effectively disrupted a cooking demo during which sausage made from dead goat flesh was served, a young woman stood up as soon as the protest began and delivered a moving speech about the rights of goats to a decent life that does not include being murdered so that humans can snack on their dead flesh.

For the second and third videos, the protesters walked through the festival, occasionally stopping to talk about the injustices.

These videos are very powerful and should be an inspiration to anyone who cares about animals.

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

– A Days Of The Crazy-Wild blog post –

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