Dig Savages new a-side, “Fuckers,” which along with the flip,a cover of Suicide’s “Dream Baby Dream,” was recorded at the group’s November 6th, 2013 performance at London’s Forum.
[In August of this year I’ll be publishing my rock ‘n’ roll/ coming-of-age novel, “True Love Scars,” which features a narrator who is obsessed with Bob Dylan. To read the first chapter, head here.]
– A Days of the Crazy-Wild blog post: sounds, visuals and/or news –-
Savages are an important British band with a killer post-punk sound.
I’ve featured many video clips of Savages over the past seven months
Today I’ve got their trailer for their new single, “Fuckers” / “Dream Baby Dream.”
It’s worth watching and hearing. Savages’ Jehnny Beth has plenty to say, and given the stage of things in the world right now, her message has never been more timely.
“Fuckers” from a performance in Barcelona at the Primavera Sound Festival, June 1, 2013:
“Dream Baby Dream” from a show at the Classic Grand in Glasgow, November 10, 2013:
-– A Days of the Crazy-Wild blog post: sounds, visuals and/or news –
Lorna Donley, once the intense singer for the post-punk band DA! but more recently a librarian, died on December 1, 2013, She was 53.
DA! was a Chicago band that formed in 1977, recorded two EPs, and broke up in 1982. As is particularly evident from the black and white video made for their song, “Next To Nothing” (check it out below), DA! never got had either the exposure or the success they deserved. Donley, who stars in the video, is has downbeat charisma.
As the Chicago Sun-Times noted in their obit, “In his ‘Secret History of Chicago Music’ comic strip in the Chicago Reader, Steve Krakow compared the band to ‘Patti Smith fronting Joy Division.'”
Lorna Donley with husband, Scott Taves, on their wedding day, just a few months before her death.
In early December Donley “had chest pain while having coffee with her husband of less than three months, Scott Taves, at their home near Peterson and Western,” the Sun Times reported. “They went to Swedish Covenant hospital, where she died Dec. 1 of a ruptured aorta.”