Tag Archives: It’s All Over Now Baby Blue

Audio: Bob Dylan Talks to Les Crane, Plays ‘It’s All Over, Baby Blue’ & ‘It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleedin’)’

Bob Dylan on The Les Crane Show.

On January 17, 1965, Bob Dylan appeared on “The Les Crane Show” at WABC studios in New York.

He was interviewed at length by Les Crane, and he performed two songs: “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” and “It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleedin’)”

Here’s a bit of the interview. The entire interview is reprinted below the audio.

Dylan: Well, I’m gonna try to make a movie this summer. Which Allen Ginsberg is writing. I’m rewriting …

Crane: Allen Ginsberg, the poet?

Dylan: Yeah, yeah.

Crane: He was on this program you know.

Dylan: Yeah.

Crane: Extolling the virtues of marijuana one night.

Dylan: Really? Allen?? (audience laughter). Sounds like a lie to me (audience laughter).

Crane: That’s really … You think I’m lying?

Dylan: No, I didn’t mean that.

Crane: Allen Ginsberg was sitting in that chair where Caterina Valente is sitting right now and he said that he thought that we ought to legalize pot.

Dylan: He said that?

Crane: Right on the television.

Dylan: Pheeeww!

Crane: Can you imagine that?

Dylan: Nah. Allen is a little funny sometimes (audience roars with laughter).

Crane: Allen’s funny sometimes, huh? Yes … what is this movie going to be about?

Dylan: Oh it’s a, sort of a horror cowboy movie (audience laughter). Takes place on the New York Thruway.

Crane: A horror cowboy movie that takes place .. I don’t think that’s exactly what Tommy Sands had in mind.

Dylan: No, well, its, that’s the kind of movie it’s gonna be though. You know.

Crane: It’s gonna be one of those underground pictures, right?

Dylan: No. It’s gonna be all straight. On the up and up.

Crane: Yeah? Are you gonna star in it?

Dylan: Yeah, yeah, I’m a hero.

I’ve included the songs, audio of Les and Bob’s conversation, and a transcript of the interview.

“It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue”:

It's All Over Now, Baby Blue by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

Les Crane interviews Bob Dylan, February 17, 1965:

bob dylan 'les crane show' new york city 17th feb 1965 by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

“It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleedin'”:

It's All Right Ma (It's Life and Life Only) by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

Here’s the interview in full:

Crane: Mr Bob Dylan, Ladies and Gentlemen! (applause) (shouts) Hello Bobby!

Dylan: I’m alright!

Crane: Are you plugged in? All right.

Dylan: [sings It’s All Over Now Baby Blue]

Crane: Thank you Bob and I’ll be right back.

—-< break >—-

Crane: How’d it feel?

Dylan: Fine.

Crane: Did it feel good?

Dylan: Felt good.

Crane: Yeah, you were groovy. What’cha doin’ with that?

Dylan: Oh, I’m just trying to get it down so it doesn’t fall in the way of my voice you know.

Crane: We had … looking at that harmonica, have you ever met Jesse Fuller?

Dylan: Sure.

Crane: Jessie was on the show a couple of weeks ago. We didn’t get a chance to talk much but next time he comes back, I want to because he looks like an amazing gentleman. Talking about amazing gentlemen, how old are you?

Dylan: 23!

Crane: 23 years old!

Dylan: Yeah, I’ll be 24 in May!

Crane: Yeah. A lot’s happened to you in just 23 years hasn’t it?

Dylan: Yeah, yeah, fantastic!

Crane: Are you happy about it?

Dylan: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Crane: You oughta be. Because you’re successful at doing, I think, what you want to do more than anything else.

Dylan: Yeah, yeah, I don’t have much to think about.

Crane: You don’t have much to think about? I think you must be thinking about an awful lot of things to write the kind of things you do.

Dylan: Yeah, yeah.

Crane: Tell ’em!

Dylan: Yeah.

Crane: Tell ’em, just for those out there in the audience that might not know all of the songs that you’ve written. Just name a few of the big ones!

Dylan: Oh.

Crane: This is the composer of …


Crane: No! That ain’t one of the big ones! (audience laughter)

Dylan: No?

Crane: No.

Dylan: Let’s see, One Too Many Mornings.

Crane: How about Blowin’ In The Wind?

Dylan: Yeah? (applause)

Crane: Do you folks. maybe you remember the night that Judy Collins…, and I kept saying “You gotta sing this song, you gotta sing this song” and Judy Collins came out and and sang the full original version of Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall? Well, Bob wrote that!

Dylan: Yeah, I wrote that (applause).

Crane: Who are you waving at?

Dylan: Odetta!

Crane: Odetta! (To audience) Do you know who Odetta is? (lots of applause). Put a light on that lady!! How are you darling? … Talk about great artists! That’s one of them! (To Odetta) You are going to be on show in a while aren’t you?

Odetta: Next month.

Crane: Next month. Yeah, Odetta is all booked …

Crane: When did you first start pickin’ and singin’, Bob?

Dylan: Oh… When I was about ten, eleven.

— continued —

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Audio: Bob Dylan’s Many Versions of ‘It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue’

Bob Dylan’s “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue,” a version of which appeared on Bringing It All Back Home, has always been a favorite of mine.

Today I’ve gathered a number of Dylan’s performances of the song. They’re all pretty great.

“It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue,” off Bringing It All Back Home, recorded Jan. 15, 1965:

It's All Over Now, Baby Blue by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

Dylan in the studio, alternate take, Jan. 16, 1965:

It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [Take 1] by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

Dylan, solo, Savoy Hotel, London, May 8, 1965:

It's All Over Now, Baby Blue by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

Dylan, solo, Hollywood Bowl, Sept. 3, 1965:

It's All Over Now, Baby Blue by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

Dylan, solo, Sydney, Australia, April 13, 1966:

It's All Over Now, Baby Blue by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

Dylan, solo, live, Manchester’s Free Trade Hall, May 17, 1966:

Dylan,B-Biograph-2-13-It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (Live)(#) by Dylan, Bob on Grooveshark

Dylan solo, Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Canada, Dec. 1 or 2, 1975:

It's All Over Now Baby Blue (solo) by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

Rolling Thunder Review, Dylan, solo, Forum de Montreal, Canada. Dec. 4, 1975:

It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [Live] by Bob Dylan & The Rolling Thunder Review on Grooveshark

Dylan and band ( Dylan on piano and Katie Segal and Debbie Dye Gibson on backing vocals), rehearsal, Dec, 30, 1977:

It's All Over Now Baby Blue by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

Rolling Thunder Revue, Providence, Rhode Island, Oct. 7, 1978:

1978-10-07 – Providence – It's All Over Now, Baby Blue by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

Dylan and the Grateful Dead, rehearsals, June 1987:

It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue by Bob Dylan & the Grateful Dead on Grooveshark

-– A Days of the Crazy-Wild blog post: sounds, visuals and/or news –-

Audio: Bob Dylan’s First Session For ‘Bringing It All Back Home’ Begins Inauspiciously — Jan. 13, 1965

On January 13, 1965, Bob Dylan entered Studio A, the Columbia studio that he favored, and during a three-hour session with Tom Wilson producing, recorded 14 songs.

This session, the first of three for an album, Bringing It All Back Home, that would be his transitional move toward rock music, was business as usual. On that day Dylan recorded alone, accompanying himself, as he had done for his previous albums, on guitar and piano and harmonica. There are wonderful takes that were recorded that day, but clearly Dylan was ready to try something new, and he did during the sessions that followed.

From Wikipedia:

The first session, held on January 13, 1965 in Columbia’s Studio A in New York, was recorded solo, with Dylan playing piano or acoustic guitar. Ten complete songs and several song sketches were produced, nearly all of which were discarded.

None of the versions recorded that day were used on Bringing It All Back Home, and only five of them have thus far been officially released.

“I’ll Keep It With Mine” was included on Biograph, and “Subterranean Homesick Blues” and “Farewell Angelina” are on The Bootleg Series Vol. 1-3. One of the “Outlaw Blues” takes was released as an iTunes exclusive in 2005.”California” is on 2009’s NCIS: The Official TV Soundtrack – Vol. 2.

(Check out my other posts on the Bringing It All Back Home sessions: January 14, 1965 and January 15, 1965.)

“I’ll Keep It With Mine” (with Dylan and producer Ton Wilson talking before Dylan plays the song):

I'll Keep It With Mine #1 (Mono Mix with Intro) by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

“It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue”(outtake):

It's All Over Now Baby Blue #1 (Mono Mix) by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

“Subterranean Homesick Blues #10” (outtake):

Subterranean Homesick Blues #1 (Mono Mix) by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

“Farewell Angelina” (outtake):

Farewell Angelina (Mono Mix) by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

“You Don’t Have To Do That” (fragment):

Tou Don't Have To Do That (Mono Mix) by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

“Outlaw Blues” (outtake):

Outlaw Blues by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

“California” (outtake, early version of “Outlaw Blues”):

California by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark

Here’s some info about the session from www.bjorner.com.

If you liked this post, check on the one I did on the second Bringing It All Back Home session here.

Writer Michael Krogsgaard got access to Sony Records’ archives in New York and has published detailed information online.

Here’s his information about the January 13, 1965 session:

Studio A
Columbia Recording Studio
New York City, New York
January 13, 1965, 7-10 pm

Produced by Tom Wilson.
Engineers: Hallie and Catero.

1. Love Minus Zero/No Limit CO85270 Take 1b
2. Love Minus Zero/No Limit Take 2C

3. I’ll Keep It With Mine CO85271 Take 1C

4. It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue CO85272 Take 1C

5. Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream CO85273 Take 1b
6. Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream Take 2C

7. She Belongs To Me CO85274 Take 1C

8. Subterranean Homesick Blues CO85275 Take 1C

9. Sitting On A Barbed Wire Fence CO85276 Take 1C

10. On The Road Again CO85277 Take 1C

11. Farewell Angelina CO85278 Take 1C

12. If You Gotta Go, Go Now CO85279 Take 1C
13. If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Addition) Take 1

14. Bending Down On My Stomick Lookin’ West CO85280 Take 1C

15. Love Minus Zero/No Limit CO85270 Take 3C

16. She Belongs To Me CO85274 Take 2C

17. Outlaw Blues CO85281 Take 1b
18. Outlaw Blues Take 2C
1 and 2 “Dime Store” on recording sheet.
3 “Bank Account Blues” on recording sheet.
5-6 “B. Dylan’s Later Dream” on recording sheet.
7 “Worse Than Money” on recording sheet.
8 “Subterranean Homesick Blues #10” on recording sheet.
9 “Barbwire” on recording sheet, corrected on the tape box to “Sitting On A Barbed Wire Fence”. On the copyright card listed as “Outlaw Blues”.
11 “Alcatraz To The 5th Power” on recording sheet.
12 and 13 “You Gotta Go” on recording sheet.
17 and 18 “Tune X” on recording sheet, corrected to “Key To The Highway” on one tape box and to “Outlaw Blues” on another. This CO number is not listed in the contract cards.
3 released on Biograph.
8 and 11 released on The Bootleg Series.

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