These videos are from various gigs Bob Dylan did in the ’90s. I found them today and was digging them and thought you might enjoy a trip back 20 years.
I love hearing the audience in Glasgow singing along with Dylan to “My Back Pages.”
I hope you enjoy them.
“What Good Am I?,” Paris, France, July 3, 1994:
“My Back Pages,” Glasgow, Scotland, Hall 3, Glasgow, Apr 9, 1995:
Man In The Long Black Coat, Liverpool, England, June 26, 1996:
“You Ain’t Going Nowhere, Bournemouth, England, Bournemouth International Centre, October 1, 1997:
[In August of this year I’ll be publishing my rock ‘n’ roll/ coming-of-age novel, “True Love Scars,” which features a narrator who is obsessed with Bob Dylan. To read the first chapter, head here.
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