Nadezhda Tolokonnikova will be performing at several prison concerts this coming Friday and Saturday, according to her lawyer, Irina Khrunova, who shared the information with the online television Dozhd TV.
“She told me over the phone that they would visit a few penitentiaries in the Krasnoyarsk Region with concerts on December 20-21,” Khrunova said. “This is because there is some kind of music band at the hospital she is in that Tolokonnikova [has] very successfully integrated [with]. They will give New Year’s concerts.”
A spokeswoman for the local penitentiary authority, Yekaterina Brotsman, confirmed that Tolokonnikova was scheduled to take part in prison concerts later this week, Radio Free Europe reported.
Tolokonnikova won’t be offering a rendition of Pussy Riot’s “Putin Zassal,” the song that landed her in prison. The title has been translated as “Putin has Pissed Himself,” “Putin Chickened Out,” “Putin Got Scared” and “Putin is Wetting Himself,” according to Wikipedia.
Brotsman said that the repertoire for the concerts had been vetted by prison authorities and will include mostly rock ballads and pop songs.
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