It was billed as a gathering in which Lou Reeds music would be played, and that’s just what it was. Hundreds of Lou Reed fans came together for the event, which was held at at the Paul Milstein Pool and Terrace at Lincoln Center.
It began with the loud electric guitar and pounding of drums from the title track of Reed’s 1982 album The Blue Mask. Other songs that filled the air: “Sally Can’t Dance,” “Femme Fatale,” “Heroin,” “I’m Waiting for the Man,” “Waves of Fear,” “Sunday Morning,” “I Love You, Suzanne,” “Pale Blue Eyes,” “Dirty Blvd.” and “Sweet Jane,” “Sister Ray,” “Think It Over,” “Walk on the Wild Side,” “All Tomorrow’s Parties” and “Set the Twilight Reeling.”
Here’s some video: