Category Archives: punk

Pussy Riot Members Meet the Press: ‘I don’t want to live in [Putin’s] terrifying fairytale’

Maria Alyokhina ( left) and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova at first press conference since leaving prison. Photo via The Guardian.

On Friday December 27, 2913, two days after Christmas, the two just-freed members of Pussy Riot, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina held their first press conference since their release at the studios of the Russian opposition TV station, TV Rain. The spoke before 100s of journalists.

Here are some of their comments:


“The message of our action in the cathedral is still valid. Our attitude to Putin hasn’t changed at all. By Putin we mean the bureaucratic machine he has built. We’d like to do what we said in our last action – we’d like him to go away.”

“Vladimir Putin is a very closed, opaque chekist [Russian slang for a secret policeman]. He is very much afraid. He builds walls around him that block out reality. Many of the things he said about Pussy Riot were so far from the truth, but it was clear he really believed them. I think he believes that Western countries are a threat, that it’s a big bad world out there where houses walk on chicken legs and there is a global masonic conspiracy. I don’t want to live in this terrifying fairytale.”

They spoke about their new human rights organization, Zone of Law [ a play on “the zone,” shorthand for “prison camp” in Russian]. The new organization will offer legal aid to prisoners who complain of violence, threats, abuse and overwork, according to Rolling Stone.


“We already started to do this [human rights work] in the camp. There we had nothing; the only thing we had was our will. After my hunger strike and letter, the 16-hour slave-working day has become a thing of the past, and they’ve begun to release people on parole. Fear has appeared among the guards at the colony. It’s unbelievably important now to continue this work.”


“We really are provocateurs. But there’s no need to say that word like it’s a swear word. Art is always provocation.”

Tolokonnikova said her thinking has evolved while in prison, and it was now “absolutely obvious” that if she could redo the past, she would not participate in the band’s 2011 “punk prayer” against Putin.


“I was smaller, I was younger and I had other understandings about my goals. I don’t think that you have to chain yourself to some moments in the past. I would like to be judged by those things that I’m going to do now.”

And there will be no Pussy Riot concerts to capitalize on their notoriety.

Alyokhina: “I think we can popularize our ideas without concerts.”

For more of this story:

The Guardian

Rolling Stone

The Telegraph

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Russian President Putin Confirms Amnesty for Pussy Riot Members

Maria Alekhina (left) and Nadezhda Tolokonnikov. Photo via Earth First!

Russian President Vladimir Putin said today that the imprisoned Pussy Riot members will be freed under an amnesty but described their protest against him in a church as “disgraceful behaviour,” NDTV reported.

The amnesty will also free 30 people arrested in a Greenpeace protest against Arctic oil — before Russia hosts the Winter Olympics in February 2014.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina are serving two-year sentences for a protest at Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which included the filming the music video “Punk Prayer – Mother of God, Chase Putin Away!”

Putin said the amnesty was passed to mark the 20th anniversary of Russia’s post-Soviet constitution, and not with the Greenpeace protesters or Pussy Riot in mind.

At an annual news conference today Putin said:

“It (the amnesty) is neither linked to Greenpeace, nor this group (Pussy Riot).”

But Putin also said, “I was not sorry that they (the Pussy Riot members) ended up behind bars,” Putin said. “I was sorry that they were engaged in such disgraceful behaviour, which in my view was degrading to the dignity of women. They went beyond all boundaries.”

For more of the story go here.

Pussy Riot-Punk Prayer:

-– A Days of the Crazy-Wild blog post: sounds, visuals and/or news –-

Pussy Riot Members Could Be Freed This Week

Maria Alekhina (left) and Nadezhda Tolokonnikov. Photo via Earth First!

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alekhina, currently serving a two-year prison sentence, could be freed by the end of the week under a new amnesty, their lawyer said today.

Russia’s lower house of parliament, the State Duma, unanimously approved the amnesty proposed by Russian President Putin on the first of three required readings today

“According to the draft law passed today, my clients will be freed,” lawyer Irina Khrunova said in a phone interview with Bloomberg News.

For more of this story, head here.

And for a strange story in which Russian officials discussed Tolokonnikova’s beauty via Twitter, head here.

-– A Days of the Crazy-Wild blog post: sounds, visuals and/or news –-

Hear How Kathleen Hanna Inspired Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit”

Photo via The Julie Ruin website.

Cool excerpt from the new documentary, “The Punk Singer,” at Spin today.

The film is about former Bikini Kill leader/ current The Julie Ruin front-person, Kathleen Hanna, and in this clip Hanna and others talk about Nirvana and Hanna’s role.

Q&A: Kathleen Hanna Talks About “The Punk Singer”

Photo via the New York Times. Photo by Shervin Lainez.

In today’s New York Times Kathleen Hanna spoke about why she cooperated with having a documentary, “The Punk Singer,” made about her life, and why she is so open about herself in the film. “The Punk Singer” will be in theaters starting next week. There’s a clip from it below.

You really opened up your life, from late-stage Lyme disease to your relationship with your husband.

Mortality looming over you really changes your personality in such a huge way. I thought I was dying, so I was like, “I don’t care anymore — I am vulnerable. I’m sick of being guarded!” Adam really got me through coping with Lyme: every day, he would place every single one of the 39 pills I had to take in my pill case so I didn’t have to do it. He’s the person who changed my IV bags, kept the house clean, cooked every single meal for me and kept everything running for two years. Besides the fact that he’s hot as hell, really talented and has the best sense of humor of anyone I know, who else would change an IV bag for you while you’re laying on the couch having a seizure?

“The Punk Singer” begins with footage of you performing an early confessional spoken-word piece where you describe the importance of “screaming what’s unspoken.”

I’m standing in a coffee shop with Ian MacKaye and Guy Picciotto of Fugazi, rocking back and forth and saying all this stuff about incest! When I see it today, my stomach drops and I want to hide under a blanket. At the same time, that’s what I was like — Mr. Confrontation.

For more, head to the New York Times.

Watch: The Other (Black) Flag Takes A Sonic Stand

So as you know Greg Ginn has been out on the road with a version of Black Flag, and he recently made a new Black Flag album available to several streaming services.

Meanwhile, a renegade version of Black Flag, calling itself Flag, has also been on the road. This group features various former Black Flag members: Keith Morris, vocals; Dez Cadena, guitar/vocals; Chuck Dukowski, bass); Bill Stevenson, drums; plus former Descendents’ guitarist Stephen Egerton, who was never in Black Flag.

Here’s 15 minutes of their glorious noise:

Listen: Stream New Black Flag Album, “What The…” Now

After 28 years Black Flag is back with a new album, What The…

The album features the still-amazing guitar of band founder Greg Ginn, and the vocals of early Black Flag singer Ron Reyes (Jealous Again), plus two other guys who aren’t from earlier incarnations of the band. The album won’t be in stores until December 2013.

You can listen to the entire album right now via Spotify: