Michael Goldberg is a distinguished pioneer in the online music space; Newsweek magazine called him an ‘Internet visionary.’ In 1994 he founded Addicted To Noise (ATN), the highly influential music web site. He was a senior vice-president and editor in chief at SonicNet from March 1997 through May 2000. In 1997, Addicted To Noise won a Webby award for best music site and a Yahoo Internet Life! award. While Goldberg was at SonicNet the site won Webby awards for best music site in 1998 and 1999, and also won Yahoo Internet Life! awards for three years running as best music site in 1998, 1999 and 2000. Prior to starting Addicted To Noise, Goldberg was an editor and senior writer at Rolling Stone magazine for 10 years. His writing has also appeared in Wired, Esquire, Vibe, Details, Downbeat, NME and numerous other publications. Michael has had three novels published that comprise the “Freak Scene Dream trilogy”: “True Love Scars,” “The Flowers Lied” and “Untitled” which can be ordered here. His new book, “Wicked Game: The True Story of Guitarist James Calvin Wilsey,” can be pre-ordered from HoZac Books. In November Backbeat Books will publish “Addicted To Noise: The Music Writings of Michael Goldberg,” which can be be pre-ordered here.
The photograph above is a self-portrait taken by Michael Goldberg. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Thanks for the kind words Michael.
Great essay, man!
As a visual artist born in the early 60’s, growing up in the 70’s and 80’s, I find my art is totally grounded in the spirit of the music of those decades…Lennon, Dylan, Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground, The Band, The Grateful Dead…just to name a few, are just as vital today as they still influence youthful idealism that while unattainable, are still worthy of aspiration. I work in mixed media and use vinyl (discarded records) to capture the images and essence of some of our most revered ‘troubadours.” True icons! I stumbled across your blog while searching for inspiration for a Dylan piece I’ve been working on for some weeks. Recently completed “Vinyl Word” as a tribute to Lennon. All of these pieces have received amazing responses from older clients as well as younger people. So glad that I “stumbled” onto your blog….cheers, Lori
I enjoy your web page immensely. I have been waiting for you to finish posting Bob Dylan: Copyright Extension Collection Vol. 1, The last one I saw was Oct 24th. Have I missed it or have you stopped posting? Love your Neil young Posts also. Keep up the great work.
As things show up on youtube and elsewhere that I find out about I do my best to post them. Glad you dig the blog.
I continue to enjoy and appreciate your newsletter. Did you see the note and link on my blog marthaspencil.com? Lots of my friends appreciate your work, too.
Thanks for your post on your blog and the link! I only just saw it today. Sorry my blog has been on hold this year.
You do not have my permission to post my Bob Dylan interview. Please remove.
All the clips were on YouTube and are now defunct. It was really a really amazing interview. How come you don’t want people to hear it?